wien naschmarkt drachenfrucht

Today was our first day of the Ringana blogger weekend. I woke up at 5AM to get my taxi 30 minutes later which brought me to the airport. After an one hour flight with Magdalena and Vreni we arrived in Vienna. We waited there for a little while because Franzi and Lina joined us too.

From the airport we went to a lovely cafe at the Vienna "Naschmarkt" to have a lovely breakfast. After a fruit salad for me and a more substantial breakfast for the other girls we went food shopping at the Naschmarkt which revealed itself as an adventure..

naschmarkt obst wien

I was impressed by the colors, smells and the view of the Naschmarkt. It looked a bit messy and too crowed but I enjoyed the short time we spend there. Also the fresh fruits and flowers made me wish to never go away again.

..but the big bang was just waiting for us. Our driver was a huge (*peep*).To be more detailed here is a little example : he texted on his phone and read newspaper and all of us were frightened and afraid to die, which was sadly justified..

flowers nachmarkt wien rosen

fassade wien vienna architektur

ringana blumen strauß

After more than 90 minutes with the craziest and most stupid driver !!!EEEEEEVER!!! we arrived in Hartberg, where also the head office and the production  factory of Ringana is based.

Today we started our trip at the head office of Ringana. We were welcomed with cool drinks and a huge menu with 6 parts. I guess the stark cook, which was exclusively hired for us, hated me for being a guest and making his life and the food preparing that hard(I'm still so sorry). As you guys know I'm a clean eating vegan, which means I do not eat wheat, sugar,(much) salt, fried food, sparking water and so on.  However, this men is the most patient cook I ever met. The cook  was so kind and I was close to hug him for all the effort and love he put into the food and all the time he took for listening to my wished and fulfill them all as close as he could.

dinner ringana office

so fresh ringana dinner kochen

The food was extremely delicious and I enjoyed long conversations, a few fresh drinks and an amazing evening including the perfect clean eating vegan dinner I could imagine for a non prepared cook.

ei olivenöl kochen

ringana detox drink natur kosmetik

tofu spinat clean eating vegan

Right now I'm lying in my bed, will try to sleep soon and can't wait to see the production place of Ringana and to spend another day with my lovely ladies. However all these incidents happened today I feel happy and blessed to be here and have two exciting days. Have a good night and see/write to you tomorrow..


*dieser Beitrag featured ein Presse Sample