You guys
were so amazed by my vegan low carb carbonara that I decided to share the
recipe with you guys today. This dish is literary super easy and super fast to
make and beside it's super delicious. All you need is 6 ingredients to make your
dish ready in less than 15 minutes!
5 zucchini
smoked tofu (100gr)
1/2 cube
Form your
zucchini to noodles with a spiralizer and cook them for 3 minutes in hot water.
In the meanwhile cut your smoked tofu in small cubes and give it in a hot pan.
Add a cut onion after 4-5 minutes and leave everything in the pan for another 2
-3 minutes. Then add cashew butter and mix it with your tofu and onion. I take
about 2-3 table spoons of nut butter. Add about 100 ml water and the broth. You
can take more or less water, depending on how creamy you want your sauce.
Optional you can add spices, so as black pepper since I like it really spicy.
Give your zucchini in the pan and enjoy a super healthy, vegan dish in less
than 15 minutes.