mbfdetox juicedetox detox cookwithmemonday
Good morning folk!

I hope you are great. It's actually lunch time but I used the whole night to pack out the suit cases from fashion week and to clean my room since it was an entire mess. However, today is my second day of #mbfdetox, a juice detox I wanted to do after all the travels.

Even if I'm a vegan and based on a 70-80 percent raw nutrition, I was extremely bloated from all the food of the USA. I was so shocked since I only ate "organic" food. Still, I was overwhelmed by all the stress, running, long flights and longer nights and in the end my jet lag ,which made me feel super weak and tired and almost passing out while my weight trainings.

After the first day of detoxing I already felt a huge boost of energy. I want you guys to feel the same. This is why I decided to set myself on a seven day juice detox and to post juice recipes. Most of you have told me that I inspire you, which is the biggest compliment ever to me. I know that some of you guys need a leader who gives you advices and maybe I'm just the one who is doing it with you together and pull you in the right direction.

I also think it's more fun doing it together, so why not joining it?
 I just want you to note that even if I know a lot about nutrition, I'm not a doctor or verified as a professional nutritionist. If you feel bad, have any problems or questions get back to me. If you feel like puking or passing out stop the detox. The most important is that YOU FEEL GOOD while doing it. It is not about weight loss, it is about to get away from the processed food and boost your body with vitamins and minerals.

So my advice is:

  • have 2 or 3 big portions of juice a day
  • drink 3L water
  • go for green tea
  • work out every second day
  • 10 minutes abs training every day

AND follow #mbfjuice and tag your photos and keep me updated what you are doing
..And last but not least HAVE FUN! This is not about staving yourself, but to get friend with food!