A party wouldn't be the same without cake! This is why I decided to share a late #cookwithmemonday posting with you guys about #5yearsofmyberlinfashion and today's "birthday cake for this big anniversary..
As you guys
already know I'm a vegan and very into the clean eating lifestyle so I decided
for a raw vegan apple cake which is totally healthy and without sugar.
For the
ground I used raw oats and put them into the blender with mulberries and water.
Then I took a baking dish and pressed the dough into it. Next I made the
filling for which I used again some mulberry and tofu, so as a lot of cinnamon with a table spoon of
cashew butter. I put again everything in the blender and added a little of
carob gum.
Next step
was to put the filing on the cake ground in my baking dish and to cut some
apples to put them on the filling. I left everything for at least an hour into
the fridge and served it cold.
celebrate #5yearsofmyberlinfashion!
PS: I'm
posting lots of photos on my Facebook page today, so make sure to check some
cool throw backs [https://www.facebook.com/MyBerlinFashionBlog]