When I was
a child, I was always craving for straccitella, no matter if it was ice cream or
yoghurt.When I turned vegan, I coped with the
fact, that there was no alternative, until today. Today I'm
sharing a protein boosted version of the delicious original..
This recipe
is not only super delicious, it also takes only a few minutes for preparation. Also
the list on ingredients varies on ones taste. I prefer a protein boosted
version, this is why I add a little extra, but in average this is what one
2 packages
soy yoghurt (250gr)
Water / soy
milk or any other plant based milk
Cacao nibs
Protein powder
I used 1
teaspoon of the cacao nibs, but varying on taste, one can also use more or
less. I'm currently super addicted by this product and already emptied the
whole box (shame on me)!
I used a
scoop like this as amount of the protein powder. It's more or less two spoons,
so the amount of a standard shake. One can also leave the powder, but I recommend
it, not only to thicken the yoghurt, also protein is a super important part of
our nutrition and most people eat too little of it.
The amount
of water or milk depends on how creamy and thick one wants the yoghurt. I often
use water but if one likes it creamier, milk fits better that case. Also the
amount of liquid is depending on the weight of protein powder in one's bowl.
For sweetening
I used coconut sugar, but banana, dates or liquid sweeteners are also alternative.
Coconut sugar is a very healthy alternative to white sugar and low in GLYX.