Guys, time literally flies like crazy. Almost 1/3th of 2020 has already passed by and while time was flying like crazy, also a lot in my personal life but also my career and personal goals have changed.
I developed a new concept for the blog which I want to present soon. Besides I set myself many new goals for the upcoming months and finished working on my cook book. The final release is scheduled for this year and I´m truly super happy since I was making only baby steps in the past years, as I was keeping myself busy with so many other goals. I hope that the situation will calm soon so I can work on a fixed date.

I´m also working on a new project and trying to push my catering The Green Jasmin a little more. Sadly, some of my upcoming projects had to be postponed, coming from the fact that the ITB fair was entirely canceled and FIBO fair got postponed.
I´m honestly not amused and can´t understand this panic all over the place. I realized that people simply love the drama and it doesn´t help to focus on things one can´t change so it´s better to cope with it and go with the flow and a positive attitude. So just to be clear: YES, it is a hard situation and it´s serious, however, all moaning won´t help. What we need now is a clear mind – more than ever before. In the end I do still believe that everything happens for a reason and eventually everything will turn out well and be solved by itself. By the way, do you remember these photos? I was shooting this look in January during fashion week and while writing these lines, I just came up with the idea to finally publish them, as I really like this casual look. The silver jacket is an absolute eyecatcher and while the look is super basic, is scream for a typical “Berlin style”.

I love to be more playful with my looks and even though I love the glamour and the drama, I love these Berlin gal looks. The name of this post is called “outer space” as the look appears to futuristic and reminded me of the alien emoji for what reason ever. Anyways, I´m trying to keep up my outfit posts in the next days and come up with more personal texts and updates.